Thursday 7 August 2014

Fairly acceptable measurements

With the first couple of bars ready, it was time to measure them against the target frequencies based on A4=443Hz. IMHO, the results are promising in terms of the method and fairly acceptable for the first try at building a marimba.

Here are the details. The measurements were made in the basement, at 19.7 °C.

f0 2 Octaves 3 Oct + 4 semi f0 f4 DeltaF0 % DeltaF1% Ratio
C6 1053.64 4214.55
1055 4183 0.13% -0.75% 3.96
H 994.50 3978.01
978 4054 -1.66% 1.91% 4.15
A# 938.68 3754.74
919 3801 -2.10% 1.23% 4.14
A 886.00 3544.00

-100.00% -100.00% #DIV/0!
G# 836.27 3345.09

-100.00% -100.00% #DIV/0!
G 789.34 3157.35
791 3118 0.21% -1.25% 3.94
F# 745.03 2980.14
754 2913 1.20% -2.25% 3.86
F 703.22 2812.87
708 2779 0.68% -1.20% 3.93
E 663.75 2655.00
666 2331 0.34% -12.20% 3.50
D# 626.50 2505.99
629 2480 0.40% -1.04% 3.94
D 591.33 2365.34
597 2367 0.96% 0.07% 3.96
C# 558.15 2232.58
560 2266 0.33% 1.50% 4.05

So the deviations are quite small, with the exception of the E, which has a f4 that is too low (it's on the D, actually). A and G# have to be completely redone, due to tuning mishaps.

Finally, this is what the spectra look like:
The peaks of the fundamental and the f4 are clearly visible here. Several other peaks are present; the higher the bar, the more peaks are in between.

The bars now "rest" in the first floor, where it has approx 25°C. I'll measure them again in a couple of days, to see the influence of the temperature on the bars, and if I need to correct the target frequencies for the basement temperature. Target operating temperature for the marimba is 21°C.

Next up: More tuning, taking into account Jim's advice that the shape of the arch may change with the length of the bars. Then, some experiments for alternative bar suspension need to be done.

Stay tuned for more tuning results!