Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sound samples!

Finally, the hard facts: What does it sound like? Well, not too bad, I'd say. But hear for yourself, but don't judge the "songs", that's just me hammering a bit on the poor marimba!

(The links go to my drop box. Press the download Button - you don't need to sign up for Dropbox. At the bottom of the sign up box, there's "No thanks, just download", press that, and the file gets downloaded to your computer. It's mp3, no tags.)

My impression while listening to this via speakers:
  • The bars sound nice, woody, mostly in tune.
  • There is still a hissing buzz audible from the foam pads under the bars.
  • The attack noise of the mallet is quite strong; maybe I need to use softer foam pads for suspending the bars?
  • It should do as a practice instrument.
  • I wonder what adding resonators will do to the sound!

So long!

Friday 9 January 2015

Update on bar suspension

Just a small note: The method of fixing the bars with a velcro strap was not very successful. The small play the velcro connection has made an very audible, high-pitched buzz.

So off came the velcro, and the foam pads are now fixed with double-sided adhesive tape. Also, most of the pads are now fixed with that tape on the wood's side.

Result: Much less buzz, though not completely gone; the bars seem to be vibrating better now, producing a mellow, warm sound.

Sound samples still to come, when playing technique is sufficient for a small demo ;).