Sunday 16 November 2014

FINAL ASSEMBLY: The Xylorimba is ready!

Today the final assembly of the marimba so far has been completed, I call it a Xylorimba, since the resonators are not yet ready. However, the bars alone sound very nice, and with a final retuning, it is ready to play and practice with!

Here are some pics of the final stage.

This is my method of suspending the bars: Agroove was drilled into the rods, and pieces of insulation foam were cut to just under the bar's width. The groove is deep enough to hold half of the thickness of the foam piece.
Here is a close up. The piece of foam is tightly packed in the groove, it cannot move. The bars are glued on top of the foam.
Right before glueing.

Here it is: The router tuned xylorimba! Phew, what a task...

That's it for now. Later, I will add the resonator tubes, but for the next couple of months, there will be no work on the marimba (apart from practice, I hope!). If you have any questions, feel free place your questions here as a comment.

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