Saturday 3 May 2014

Frame construction, cont'd

Joining the pieces worked as expected, and so the insert spanning the whole width of the bass end was built. A first, much too long, marimba frame is today's result (tentative, only arranged the wood pieces).

 This is an upside down view on the deconstructed Ivar system. To the right, the smaller piece, to the left, the larger piece of the frame.
The pieces will be joined and reinforced by a piece of wood screwed onto the underside.
 Next, the poles to be used for the A-shaped bar rack were deconstructed from the original Ivar poles. It was kind of fun cutting freestyle with the jig saw through the cross sections ;).
 Here's the bass end with the poles aligned roughly as they should be.
...and here is the small end. Note the typical workshop arrangement of tools, instructions and debris on the working table ;).
If it looks like a Marimba, ..., well, not yet. But it looks promising; since it is a regal rack system, the height of the A-sections can be in principle be adjusted (with the limit of the lowest resonator bar).

Next up, I need to extract the precise alignment of the struts from Jim's instructions. The struts have a different width, so I need to take that into account. Stay tuned!

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