Friday 2 May 2014

Frame part I

Just a short note on the first step towards the frame today. Jim's building instructions are written such that cost is minimized, and so he uses only planks and from this, the frame is constructed.

The widths necessary for the frame ends are very similar to those of the Ivar-shelf system of Ikea. So being somewhat impatient, I bought some shelf parts, and joined the together to form the frame.

Here are the pics.

The basic idea looks like this: Take a small and a wide part as the bass end, and a single wide part as the treble end.
 The width at the bass end is a bit wider than the shelf widths, so some scrap pieces were joined to create the proper distance.
 The shelf pieces were the joined with the distance pieces using wood pegs.
Here is the bass end of the marima. Took less than 2 hours to build this. Also, the shelf system will be used to hold the struts where the bars will reside.

So next up, the 2 A-shaped pieces where the bars will sit on will be constructed, again using Ivar-pieces. Stay tuned!

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